Wednesday, December 14, 2011 [Fan Acc] A touching letter for Triple S [Fan Acc] A touching letter for Triple S: Credit: AN OPEN LETTER TO TRIPLE S: Hi there! I’m no one in particular, some of you might know me becau...
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Budak Gigi Rabbit: Kpop?euww
Budak Gigi Rabbit: Kpop?euww: Eee,apesal laa aku pergi blog org je mesti pminat kpop.bodoh-2 je.ape special kpop tah.bukan handsome pon.dahlah mata sepet.eeeee.geli bodoe...
Sunday, October 16, 2011
My Status : Unknown
Eiiii,geramnya ngan mamat nih....apela yg awk dh buat kt saya ek?sampai sy jd cmnih?
SELASA,11st Oct 2011,aku akn igt tarikh ni sampai bila2...
Mlam tuh aku ada kls Entrepreneurship,Puan wat kuiz skali ngan test.kls start dlm kul 8.30,abes kul 10.mlm tuh habes segala kekecewaannya ngan kls aku diluahkn.nk wat cmne,aku pn bengang ngan dorg sbnrnya.yelah,asl kls puan Juli je,mst nk cancel,mst nk blk kg,mcmlh xpernh balik umah,slalu tnya2 puan ade ke x kls arituh.spe xterasa kn.aku ok je ngan dia,Alhamdulillah. =)
Tp mlm tuh mmg puan nanges la,mmg sian sgt aku tgok.nasiblah dia dpt kls kitorang yg xberapa reti nk bersyukur nih,hmm.. =/
Balik je dr kls,aku dgn bersemangatnya bukak lappy,nk bukak fb la,ptg/arituh blm bukak pon lgi.dgn ati berbunga2,bersemangt,excited,sume ade...bile bukak je notifications,line plak xdak.sabau jelah...T.T
tp yg smpt dibukak ade 1 je,grup SS501 Until Forever.n yg smpat dibukak tulah yg tlh wat aku xkeruan.mla2 aku baca pos yg ade pic dorg ber5 tuh,gitu2 ble bace post akma,i was shaking...kna pulak mse tuh lagu yg aku dgr(gna headphone) was A Thing Called Happiness - Kim Hyun Joong
Buat sementara waktu,aku jd blur,bingung.Baca balik post bergambr tuh,my tears da start dh,bergenang.mse tuh ramai org dlm bilik,nseb aku ngadap lappy ke arh dinding,so i guessed no one noticed.nseb aku slalu pgg bantal pooh aku tuh.Bila ade line,lgi byk pos sal bnda tuh.
okay pos bergmbr tuh sal org yg pos tuh wonder,if leader ade niat ke pape yg xbaik,sbb mse YS comeback,dye pn comeback.skrg Kyu comeback,dye pon nk sebok same.Ape motifnya?nk tunjuk dye lbh hebat dr member laen ke?well,bnda nih pernh gk trlints kt fikirn aku,tp aku ignore je.
Post akma lak,sal dye ade trbace komen kt utube,3months ago(Love Ya official mv),cma dye bru post skrg.Pos tuh sal leader gtaw wartwan,yg kemungkinan utk dorg wat comeback as 5 together sgt2 ssh,sbb SS501 name under DSP,so if dorg nk gna nme tuh,dorg kna byr kt DSP.Plus,dorg under 4 diff company,jadual msg2 sgt padat(well,HJL sndri nk blakon lg taon dpn),jd ssh la nk hslkn album baru.Tp luckily HJL still gives hope,he did said yg dorg still,maybe,juz MAYBE kay,blh wat perf sesame on stage,cma bkn album baru.Tp sbnrnya aku still suke kalau dorg berpeluang wat cmtuh.Rindu sesangat nk tgok dorg berLIMA! >_<
Post ke3 yg aku igt,dye ckp dye nk jd best solo out of SS501 members.kalau setakt statement nih aku leh phm.everyone pon nk jd the best kn?
Those three post,sume aku leh terima,walaupn part yg leader ckp ssh utk dorg comeback tuh,amt memeritkn aku.
But there's still post2 yg sgt2 memeritkn,memedihkn,menyakitkn,n segala2nyalah...perasaan2 yg xbez
Pos2 sal dorg komplen,that HJL has changed.too much.everyone can see it.feel it.even me mmg perasan bnda ni pn da lme,cme saje2 wat2 xnmpk.just aggp tuh my feelings je semata2.mmg aku denied semungkin yg boleh.(xtaw la ni blh dikategorikn hipokrit ke x,sbb aku sedar,aku taw sal nih,but still denying it?hipokritkah aku?hmm..)
Komen2 TS mse tuh betul2 mcm bg penampar kt muka aku.1 komen = PANG!kt sebelah kanan,2komen,PANG! lagi,kt sebelah kiri,then bila bace sume komen2 tuh,rase muka dah lebam kna lempang.and bantal yg setia tuh jugkla jd tmpt melepskn air mata yg xleh brenti kuar.nsib baek ade org kalau x mmg melalak la.mse tuh jugk,rse cam my hearts was ripped one by one,into the smallest pieces!bila aku kuar bilik,wat2 muka biasa2 je,xtaw a ade x org prasan aku nanges.aku wat2 ceria,tegur sume org.
Mase tgh kelam kabut tuh,Carmelle Tan unnie dgn beraninya,tampil membela HJL.ape komen dye,aku xigt sgt(sbb mse tuh kepala tgh srabut,mate da bengkak,penuh ngan airmata agi,bntal basah xyah kira ah)
then aku maen games,lupe jap prob(mse tu line break down lagi,lol)
aku ade call akma mse line xdak tuh(1st xdak line),abes aku luahkn,dlm stgh jam gk bergayut.aku ade call yati,tp dye mcm xmemahami.aku cte sal laen,dye cte sal laen.lgipon dye la nk kacau,cyan gk dye,byk keje,xkn nk kusutkn ngan prob aku lak.bila line ada blik,aku tls status kt fb,yg menyatakn aku regret knl dorg,knl HJL,tgok BOF.sbb kalau x aku xkn sesakit ini.berderai ati aku,rse cam xsggup nk kutip blik.then Carmelle unnie tegur,suh aku bce blik pos dye kt SSUF.aku ckp aku da bce,n aku tgh bad mood mse tuh(mmg down sgt2 mse tu,aku nk wat keje database sbnrnya,tp dah cam org bingung mse tuh,xley nk pk pape.n sbnrnya aku nk msk megi mlm tuh,sbb perut lpr sgt...igtkn nk bukak sume notification fb dulu,br gi nsib gk xwat agi sbb kalu wat pon blm tentu abes,xlalu nk mkn.Selera mati.
Lps aku ckp cmtuh kt carmelle,aku maen games lgi,tp jap jea,aty xtenang.nsb baek mlm tuh roomate aku tdo blik laen,so aku sorg2 jea.bila aku bukak blik SSUF,sume TS wat keputusn utk still support dorg.but maybe leader dikurgkn kot sbb he already got henecia(ade gk pos gtaw Henecia,ThanKyu,YES,Junus xpatot ditubuhkn sinceblh merenggangkn hbgn sesame TS.ade yg gtaw bru2 ni dorg gado,sesame fanclub.Henecia gtaw dorg lbh hebt,ramai pmnt berbndg fanclub alen,n dorg jgk lgsg xbrmnt nk jd TS,just sokg HJL je...sedih aku.....mlm tu jgk ramai trik diri dari FC2 tuh,dorg juz nk jd TS jer.mse bce pos2 yg bersemgt tuh,aku rse cm bodoh sgt ngan status aku tuh,termalu sendiri.TS ape aku ni?
Time tu jugakla lagu Find kuar,dahla suara leader 1st,aku pn apelagi,meraung la sorang2!nanges sepuas2nye.bile aku bce blik status aku,mmg aku rse sgt kurg akal.Part YS plak,mmg wat aku sayu sgt2.dgr dorg nyanyi lgu tuh,aku rse cam kna mrh ade,cam dorg merintih ngan aku pon ade...merintih sbb aku dh xpercayakn dorg lgi.....ntahla..aku pon terus delete status yg ntah pape tuh,(which was dibuat mse fikiran bercelaru,lintang pukang,xbetul,bingung,pening,sedih,sadis..),then aku nekad,nk deactivate fb.utk smntara waktu.....tukar wallies aku,xmo tgk pon pic leader.
mmg mlm tuh ssh sgt nk tdo.bengkak dowh,aku da bimbg since esk ade bengkel RP,dhla dlm kls,abesla sume prsan,mate aku bengkak,bak kata hani,cam uzooshin(lol,aku xpernh pon terpikr sal tuh,keke)
esoknye,mmg bengkak gile mate aku,rse cm xley nk bukak je.jln pon tunduk2 jea,hehe...
*to be continue,dh dkt kul 4 nih... >_<
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
My Crazy Li'l Corner: [Article] Kyu Jong to Debut in a TV Drama by Mid-...
My Crazy Li'l Corner: [Article] Kyu Jong to Debut in a TV Drama by Mid-...: Wow K yu Jong will be a very busy man in the coming months. With musical, album and now drama we will surely get a lot of Kyu Jong dose.
Monday, August 1, 2011
HJL @ Japan
Kim Hyun Joong Sweat-a-Lot
don't like to see him sweating too much..seobang,can u plez rest for a while?at least wait until the sweat get dried....look at how u work too hard,makes me wanna faint,coz i can't stand watching u overly tired due to your works...sigh~ =(
don't like to see him sweating too much..seobang,can u plez rest for a while?at least wait until the sweat get dried....look at how u work too hard,makes me wanna faint,coz i can't stand watching u overly tired due to your works...sigh~ =(
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Harini - 26/07/2011(selasa) -besday Mashi might be 0ne of the happiest day in my life!sbb tdi kt poli,Ya bli majlh Yezz! terbaru,ad pic SS501 kt dpn tue!mcm org gile aq merayu nk mtk tgok jap,dye mmg,sje je nk menyeksa batin upenyer just surt dr pmnt,ckp dye mnt SS501(buln ni edisi kpop<lol,sjk ble ade edisi kpop,mmg sje je nk ambk perhatian,aq xprnh miss Yezz!sjk 1st edition,mne ade kpop edition,ni 1st time>) tp ya ckp yg tu je yg ade kt tmpt dye bli tue...xkesahla,aq mst dptkn jugak!kames ni nk blik umah,insya-Allah... =)
and the BIG thing happen today is bkn above statement tu,tp as u read tjuk entry ni,SS501 AKN WAT COMEBACK DISEMBER NI!!!!!really can't beliv this,still rse cam pening2,xcaye bnda ni.i asked myself frequently,"is this for real?or am i dreaming?"
mmg cyezly mcm org xbetul tdi ble bce post mizah kt ss501 until forever tdi.igtkn jokes or trick,tp ble bce komen2 kt bwh tu,bru caye!
arini lak bke fb agk lmbt,wat lthn lue sblm bkk fb,sbb esok ade kuiz Business Math...kls start kul 10,sbb tu aq msh tercangak kt cni(1st post dgn rupa blog yg bru!^^) walaupon jam dh kul 1:47 pagi...hehe
aq gtaw Tanah,yg kbtuln ade dlm blk mse tue(sblm tu dye ignore je aqu mnjerit2 dpn laptop sbb dh fhm sgt dgn tabiat aq yg ske sgt mnjerit dpn laptop,ngehngeh....pastu Ain lalu dpn blik,aq pggl dye plak,sampai dye pon terkejut dgn suara aq yg lantang tuh,igtkn aq ade paper yg pntg nk gtaw dye..ble aq gtaw SS501 nk comeback akhr thun ni,dye cam blur je...yela,Ain mne mnt sgt dgn kpop2 nih(tp dye ske lgu Kiss Kiss,hihi)
pas aq xplen bru dye paham...bru dye taw npe HJL nyanyi sorg2,bkn berlima...pastu aq g cari Ri kt bilik dye,tp dye da tdo la plak...esok je la gtaw..pastu aq call Yati,aq agk dye mst dh nk tdo mse tu,sbb jam dh 11:30 mse tuh.ble dye agkt tuh,mmg ye pon,dye ckp dye ngantok sgt2..nk tdo..(dgr suara pon dh taw suara nantok).tp aq xpedulik,aq nk gtaw mlm nie jugak,biarla dye xnk dgr pon=D
and as i expected, suara dye berubah bertenaga blik bla aq ckp ayt magis tersebut; "Yati,aq ade brite gembira nk gtaw nih,bes sgt2!"and dgn smgt yg berkobar2 and brdebar2+excited(or should i say,OVEREXCITED? =P) aq smbung ayt aq,"Ti,SS501 nk comeback Disember nih!"kalau blh aq nk sgt ade dkt dye mse tu,nk tgk reaksi dye,dr nantok -> full of energy!suara dye mcm xcaye sgt2!excited,and dh xde dh suara org ngantok tdi..hehe
tp cam bese la yati,kalau x skitkn aty aq mmg xsah...dye ckp"kalau camtu,blhla aq pegi konsert dorg klau dorg dtg m'sia...mse tu kn aq dh blaja kt dkt jela,blh pegi,jumpe baby aqu...."
sakit aty aqu dgr ayt beliau yg tersebut..(*jealous mode is on!)
so sblm hati aq membakar dgn lebh lanjut,aq pon suh dye tdo,mimpi yg still,aq jerit lagi mse ckp dgn dye tu,terlampau excited doe,xley nk kawal! >_<
keyla,time to sleep!its already pass 2 am now...gonna hav a nice dream after this!(i wish!insya-Allah!)
Last,Thanks a lot to ALLAH,MY LORD,syukur Alhamdulillah,seronok sgt2 arini!syukur sgt2!
btw this is the link to the news : link 1 link 2 thread allkpop
credits to the owner =)
and the BIG thing happen today is bkn above statement tu,tp as u read tjuk entry ni,SS501 AKN WAT COMEBACK DISEMBER NI!!!!!really can't beliv this,still rse cam pening2,xcaye bnda ni.i asked myself frequently,"is this for real?or am i dreaming?"
mmg cyezly mcm org xbetul tdi ble bce post mizah kt ss501 until forever tdi.igtkn jokes or trick,tp ble bce komen2 kt bwh tu,bru caye!
arini lak bke fb agk lmbt,wat lthn lue sblm bkk fb,sbb esok ade kuiz Business Math...kls start kul 10,sbb tu aq msh tercangak kt cni(1st post dgn rupa blog yg bru!^^) walaupon jam dh kul 1:47 pagi...hehe
aq gtaw Tanah,yg kbtuln ade dlm blk mse tue(sblm tu dye ignore je aqu mnjerit2 dpn laptop sbb dh fhm sgt dgn tabiat aq yg ske sgt mnjerit dpn laptop,ngehngeh....pastu Ain lalu dpn blik,aq pggl dye plak,sampai dye pon terkejut dgn suara aq yg lantang tuh,igtkn aq ade paper yg pntg nk gtaw dye..ble aq gtaw SS501 nk comeback akhr thun ni,dye cam blur je...yela,Ain mne mnt sgt dgn kpop2 nih(tp dye ske lgu Kiss Kiss,hihi)
pas aq xplen bru dye paham...bru dye taw npe HJL nyanyi sorg2,bkn berlima...pastu aq g cari Ri kt bilik dye,tp dye da tdo la plak...esok je la gtaw..pastu aq call Yati,aq agk dye mst dh nk tdo mse tu,sbb jam dh 11:30 mse tuh.ble dye agkt tuh,mmg ye pon,dye ckp dye ngantok sgt2..nk tdo..(dgr suara pon dh taw suara nantok).tp aq xpedulik,aq nk gtaw mlm nie jugak,biarla dye xnk dgr pon=D
and as i expected, suara dye berubah bertenaga blik bla aq ckp ayt magis tersebut; "Yati,aq ade brite gembira nk gtaw nih,bes sgt2!"and dgn smgt yg berkobar2 and brdebar2+excited(or should i say,OVEREXCITED? =P) aq smbung ayt aq,"Ti,SS501 nk comeback Disember nih!"kalau blh aq nk sgt ade dkt dye mse tu,nk tgk reaksi dye,dr nantok -> full of energy!suara dye mcm xcaye sgt2!excited,and dh xde dh suara org ngantok tdi..hehe
tp cam bese la yati,kalau x skitkn aty aq mmg xsah...dye ckp"kalau camtu,blhla aq pegi konsert dorg klau dorg dtg m'sia...mse tu kn aq dh blaja kt dkt jela,blh pegi,jumpe baby aqu...."
sakit aty aqu dgr ayt beliau yg tersebut..(*jealous mode is on!)
so sblm hati aq membakar dgn lebh lanjut,aq pon suh dye tdo,mimpi yg still,aq jerit lagi mse ckp dgn dye tu,terlampau excited doe,xley nk kawal! >_<
keyla,time to sleep!its already pass 2 am now...gonna hav a nice dream after this!(i wish!insya-Allah!)
Last,Thanks a lot to ALLAH,MY LORD,syukur Alhamdulillah,seronok sgt2 arini!syukur sgt2!
btw this is the link to the news : link 1 link 2 thread allkpop
credits to the owner =)
SS501*HyunSaeng: [NEWS] SS501 WILL Comeback Soon "This End Of Decem...
SS501*HyunSaeng: [NEWS] SS501 WILL Comeback Soon "This End Of Decem...: " SS501 WILL COMEBACK SOON Source: MBC HD RADIO FM From: TripleS indonesia(ss501) MBC HD cooperate with the DSPent, this news directly i..."
Monday, July 25, 2011
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Hyun Joong Last Relationship was Just 5 ...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Hyun Joong Last Relationship was Just 5 ...: "Whoa! Who could the lucky lady be? Argh... info given was too little. I wish more was squeeze from him by the DJ. Much thanks xiaochu for..."
Friday, July 8, 2011
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Vid] Mnet Wide News Reports on Hyun Joong's Rehea...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Vid] Mnet Wide News Reports on Hyun Joong's Rehea...: "Much thanks to reena29shadow for tweeting the link to happyjihwanlove YT channel where we can watch the report of Mnet Wide News of Hyun ..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Vid] Mnet Wide News Reports on Hyun Joong's Rehea...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Vid] Mnet Wide News Reports on Hyun Joong's Rehea...: "Much thanks to reena29shadow for tweeting the link to happyjihwanlove YT channel where we can watch the report of Mnet Wide News of Hyun ..."
Friday, June 24, 2011
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun Joong will participate in this year's @ M...
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun Joong will participate in this year's @ M...: "Kim Hyun Joong will take part this year. As a singer. Singer Kim Hyunjoong who's now standing solo has kept to his promise to fans from ..."
U-Kiss ♥ 유키스: [TRANS] 110620 U-Kiss @ Inkigayo Magazine (May Iss...
U-Kiss ♥ 유키스: [TRANS] 110620 U-Kiss @ Inkigayo Magazine (May Iss...: "TRY TRY, ABOUT '0330 ' Just like the song, I’ve actually experienced something like that. Even though it’s a sad memory, in order to show t..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Hyun Joong Had Guys Confessing to Him
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Hyun Joong Had Guys Confessing to Him: "Thanks to hotshotlover30 of Soompi for this translation. Regardless of age, sex, race, Hyun Joong's appeal is universal. ^^ Hee, i think ..."
Happy Boys! SS501: Translation of Young Saeng's Chatting with fans
Happy Boys! SS501: Translation of Young Saeng's Chatting with fans: "Young Saeng had a chat with his fans at Yozm this evening. It was really fun and enjoyable. So I'd like to share what he said to fans. Ac..."
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Kim Hyun Joong - Rank as No.1 in MNET "Most...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Kim Hyun Joong - Rank as No.1 in MNET "Most...: "Mnet official website the Top 30 and wow! i luv it his really No.1!!! yeheyyyyyyyyyyy. credits: Mnet Official Website + SS501 Baidu ..."
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Triple S: The States: [News] Kim Hyun Joong shares his imprisoned story ...
Triple S: The States: [News] Kim Hyun Joong shares his imprisoned story ...: "Source: Newsen Credit: phenom @ allkpop SBS ’s “ Strong Heart ” held a “ King of Kings ” special on the June 21st broadcast. During thi..."
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Lux Mae's Corner: [Screencap] Kim Hyun Joong -"Break Down" Album Bes...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Screencap] Kim Hyun Joong -"Break Down" Album Bes...: "luv it! credits: + meteorflower09 (Capture) +"
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - Gaon releases chart rankin...
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - Gaon releases chart rankin...: "nice! credits: Gaon Chart + The Gaon Chart is the national chart of South Korea and is intended to be the equivale..."
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun Joong is Number 1 on Hanteo Charts - No.1...
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun Joong is Number 1 on Hanteo Charts - No.1...: "I..I..I love it...! Credit: Translation: Singer Kim Hyunjoong's first mini album '..."
Friday, June 10, 2011
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - Continues to Top Real Time...
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - Continues to Top Real Time...: "next stop would be an Award for Hyun Joong!!! ^_^ credits: My Daily + Re-post with full credits..."
Monday, June 6, 2011
Happy 25th Birthday HJL!^^
OK,OK...I know i'm's just i don't hav any mood to post this earlier...don't think i hate him or something like that,but this is juz me,do anything according to the mood...btw,
SaenGiL ChukkhaE Kim Hyun Joong Oppa!^^May U be blessed always...
Mianhe for my late post,and i really hope u watch this photos,which i edited myself and send it to SS501 Until Forever (fb SS501 Group) and one of the admin,mizah collected all the photos and makes a vid for it to send to u.i wanna join PJM bufday project too,but i missed that chance(coz i was too busy with study,exam,assignments...,mianhe PJM Oppa T___T") and PJM really watched the vid,wif baby!i'm so frustated!aigoooo!!! >_<
and i hope u did watch the vid,which made truly from our heart,full of love towards U,and SS501...Sranghae Oppadeul =)
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - New Albums and Singles Pre...
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - New Albums and Singles Pre...: "let's all support Hyun Joong! credits: + Re-post with full credits and title please..."
K-pop and korean drama: U-Kiss will spend 3 months in Japan and take on th...
K-pop and korean drama: U-Kiss will spend 3 months in Japan and take on th...: "It was recently revealed that U-Kiss has signed on with Japanese agency, Avex Entertainment , and together they will prepare for the Korean ..."
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun Joong opens showcase worth 15 milion doll...
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun Joong opens showcase worth 15 milion doll...: "Thanks Shereen for sharing the link! Hyun Joong ah, its your birthday and you are giving us so much, it should be us that's giving you gi..."
U-Kiss ♥ 유키스: [NEWS] 110605 U-Kiss' Showcase for free in Kuala L...
U-Kiss ♥ 유키스: [NEWS] 110605 U-Kiss' Showcase for free in Kuala L...: "Redstar Presents and Marctensia are bringing great news to all K-Pop fans! Watch U-Kiss' Showcase Live at KL Pavilion Main Entrance..."
Friday, June 3, 2011
Cheezeemelt©: Young Saeng's Score on Music Bank
Cheezeemelt©: Young Saeng's Score on Music Bank: " Pls do not repost, thanks! Okay, as we all know Young Saeng yesterday went off against F(x) in Music Bank. They battled for 1st place fo..."
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun Joong took an entrance test for ‘Moohan D...
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun Joong took an entrance test for ‘Moohan D...: "Aigoo! Hyun Joong, do you still sleep? There are a lot of things you want to do, and youre doing it all in one time. Take care Hyun joong..."
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
hyunited6686: [Info] The Storyline of Kim Hyun Joong's PLEASE Mu...
hyunited6686: [Info] The Storyline of Kim Hyun Joong's PLEASE Mu...: "Credit: HYUNtimes Reposted from: [The Please MV Storyline] It's about a guy (KHJ) seeing his ex-girl going in..."
Triple S: The States: [Scans & Trans] Park Jung Min: Omma's Loving Abalo...
Triple S: The States: [Scans & Trans] Park Jung Min: Omma's Loving Abalo...: "Source: InStyle Jun Issue Scans: Catherine @ twitter Chinese Trans: 피오나@PJMIFC English Trans: Pls repost w..."
Kathy's Bench: Please's Choreographer Talks About Hyun Joong and ...
Kathy's Bench: Please's Choreographer Talks About Hyun Joong and ...: "Lyle Beniga, is the Black American guy we saw on the rehearsal photos of Hyun Joong that was posted before... His message, made me more exci..."
K-pop and korean drama: F.T. Island on their Japanese achievements, comeba...
K-pop and korean drama: F.T. Island on their Japanese achievements, comeba...: "After achieving much success in Japan, the boys of F.T. Island have finally returned to their home turf more confident than ever. Their fir..."
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Kim Hyun Joong dah release Please MV!
FINALLY!!!Kuar pon!penat aqu tunggu mlm tadi,sblm kul 11mlm,sbb MV ni patut kuar 12amKST....bru dlm 10 minit lps release!aigoooo!xsbr nk tgok!mst HOT gilew ar!!!thanks to TS yg post sal nih kt SS501 UNTIL FOREVER punyer wall(kt fb),nasib baek aq bgun awl arinih,hehe,kalu x lmbt lgi....yela,JunMin n Baby nyer aq mmg xley tggu sbb duk asrama...YS nyer aq tggu,tp dlm 20 min lps 2 bru aq tgok,khusyuk sgt tgk cter,huhu...btw WELCOME BACK LEADER!!!!!and hope u will earn GREAT SUCCESS from this album.Kim HyunJoong daebakkk!SS501 DAEBAKKKKK!!!!!^^
Monday, May 30, 2011
K-pop and korean drama: Are artists receiving their fair share of the expa...
K-pop and korean drama: Are artists receiving their fair share of the expa...: "The Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA) recently reported about the uncomfortable reality of profit distribution that those in power seem..."
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun Joong's "PLEASE" Number 1 on Soribada
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun Joong's "PLEASE" Number 1 on Soribada: "Kim Hyun Joong is Kim Hyun Joong. Need we say else??? We loved a GREAT GREAT Famous man! Woot! For the win Hyun Joong!!! Henecians, Hyun J..."
Triple S: The States: [Trans] KyuJong Interview Hallyu Pia VOL 6
Triple S: The States: [Trans] KyuJong Interview Hallyu Pia VOL 6: "Credit: Scan by Japan fan + (Chinese Translation) À¶Ý¶ kolkol dechan ( + (English Translation) xiaochu @"
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Trans] Kyu Jong Interview Hallyu Pia VOL 6
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Trans] Kyu Jong Interview Hallyu Pia VOL 6: "I am so happy that there is another English translation that we can read about Kyu Jong joining the musical ‘Goong’ in which the stage is s..."
Kathy's Bench: Soribada Streaming Tutorial
Kathy's Bench: Soribada Streaming Tutorial: "Credit to: kelemama at twitter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5."
Sunday, May 29, 2011
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Translation] Kim Hyun Joong Rank No. 3 on 'The Ma...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Translation] Kim Hyun Joong Rank No. 3 on 'The Ma...: "Source: [ tv daily ] Translated by: Reposted on ‘Gossip House’, OnStyle’s TV tabloid, rel..."
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Translation] 'Heo Youngsaeng's Girl' has been cre...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Translation] 'Heo Youngsaeng's Girl' has been cre...: "Source: Translation : Recently, 'Heo Youngsaeng's Girl..."
hyunited6686: [Photo] Kim Hyun Joong - UZOOSIN cartoon God of Un...
hyunited6686: [Photo] Kim Hyun Joong - UZOOSIN cartoon God of Un...: "Credit : kimhyunjoong24 + KHJ baidu Repost with full credit n title, please. "
Kathy's Bench: The Kim Hyun Joong "U:Zoosin" Collection Goods!
Kathy's Bench: The Kim Hyun Joong "U:Zoosin" Collection Goods!: "OMO!!!!!!!!! I want one!!!! No I want all!!!!! Dont worry, I will find a way how to get this available in our hands! Do you see that picture..."
Saturday, May 28, 2011
hyunited6686: [Info] Trending Project on Twitter for Kim Hyun Jo...
hyunited6686: [Info] Trending Project on Twitter for Kim Hyun Jo...: "Credit: @4DLeaderFacts on Twitter Repost with full credit, PLEASE Thanks to 4DLeaderFacts for this announcement on Twitter ^_^ Trend..."
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun-Joong Hits The Books
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun-Joong Hits The Books: "Love love the article! Credit: And you know what that means… Major sleep deprivation time! SS501 leader and ete..."
Friday, May 27, 2011
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Vid] Hyung Jun tops the survey with vast social n...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Vid] Hyung Jun tops the survey with vast social n...: "You've probably seen this a couple of days ago being posted in several fora and website. This vid has also been posted on the sidebar. Thank..."
U-Kiss ♥ 유키스: [VIDEO] 110525 Dongho @ Best 5 Heavy Eaters in the...
U-Kiss ♥ 유키스: [VIDEO] 110525 Dongho @ Best 5 Heavy Eaters in the...: "Credits: kissmeukiss + arirangworld @ youtube Take Out With Full Credits & Do Not HotLink"
Lux Mae's Corner: [Video] Kim Hyun Joong - Ranked No.3 in Channel V ...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Video] Kim Hyun Joong - Ranked No.3 in Channel V ...: "no matter what his still our No.1! credits: jozselyn861015@youtube 10. Cho Minho - SHINee 9. Lee Gikwang - Beast 8. Lee Hong Ki..."
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Video] Hyun Joong Rank No.3 - Channel [V] 就是愛JK S...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Video] Hyun Joong Rank No.3 - Channel [V] 就是愛JK S...: "Credit: jozselyn861015 @ YT 1. TOP – BigBang 2. Nichkhun – 2PM 3. Kim Hyun Joong – SS501 4. Kim Jae Joong – JYJ 5. Chio Siwon – Super ..."
Thursday, May 26, 2011
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Trans] Park Jung Min Album Won Gold Record, Promi...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Trans] Park Jung Min Album Won Gold Record, Promi...: "Source: Taiwan Yahoo News English Trans: Solo but not disbanded Korean Idol group SS501 member Park Jung M..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [Misc] Kim Hyun Joong - A Letter to My Fellow Fand...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Misc] Kim Hyun Joong - A Letter to My Fellow Fand...: "guys! we need to unite as one and support Hyun Joong! thanks to @Saz33na for sharing! credits: Rene & Kimi ( ..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Kim Hyun Joong - Winners of 47th Baeksang "...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Kim Hyun Joong - Winners of 47th Baeksang "...: "his in 2nd place hah? hmmmm but his still No.1 to us! fighting` credits: kacey@Dkpop News + 1st:Park Yoo ..."
Elle's kingdom: Kim Hyun Joong becomes a college student
Elle's kingdom: Kim Hyun Joong becomes a college student: "Source: Star News via Nate English Translation: Allkpop It’s just been revealed that SS501’s Kim Hyun Joong enrolled in a college earlier..."
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Lux Mae's Corner: [KeyEast Notice] Kim Hyun Joong - 1st Mini Album M...
Lux Mae's Corner: [KeyEast Notice] Kim Hyun Joong - 1st Mini Album M...: "Such a great Notice indeed!!! am so so happy! ~~~happy ME~~~ credits: + Candy@ 百度金贤重吧 (Chinese trans) + s..."
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [News] Kyu Jong -- 'Musical Goong', Japan Performa...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [News] Kyu Jong -- 'Musical Goong', Japan Performa...: "Credits : English Translation: xiaochu @ SS501 Kim KyuJong challenges to be the main role in musical...."
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun Joong's "Breakdown" Promotional Activitie...
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun Joong's "Breakdown" Promotional Activitie...: "Brace yourselves Henecians! We will get to see loads of Hyun Joong for next month! Reposted from: FALLEN FOR A STAR PROMOTION ACTIVIT..."
Monday, May 23, 2011
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Kim Hyun Joong - Lyle Beniga Choreographes ...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Kim Hyun Joong - Lyle Beniga Choreographes ...: "awesome! credits: + khjgalaxy (screenshot)"
hyunited6686: [Photo] Kim Hyun Joong Prepares for Comeback...Beh...
hyunited6686: [Photo] Kim Hyun Joong Prepares for Comeback...Beh...: "Credit: + Repost with full credit, Please Original Text [마이데일리 = 백솔미 기자] 가수 겸 연기자 김현중이 컴백을 앞두고 연습에 몰..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Heo Young Saeng - Designs His Own Smartphon...
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Heo Young Saeng - Designs His Own Smartphon...: "the real artist in him! luv it! credits: SS501 ’s lead vocalist Heo Young Saeng has designed his very own smartphon..."
hyunited6686: [Screencap] Kim Hyun Joong Is No 1. Treding Topic ...
hyunited6686: [Screencap] Kim Hyun Joong Is No 1. Treding Topic ...: "Credit: @howlovelylala at Twitter Repost from: And Hyun Joong is on a roll again! Its been only morning and th..."
Saturday, May 21, 2011
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 현중 ::『 강심장 』왕중왕전 투표 -『 Strong Heart 』King of Kings...
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 현중 ::『 강심장 』왕중왕전 투표 -『 Strong Heart 』King of Kings...: "As you know, Hyunjoong will take part in the Strong Heart King of the Kings talk battle. It will start recording on next Thurs (May 26). The..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Kim Hyun Joong - Trending Birthday Project
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Kim Hyun Joong - Trending Birthday Project: "surely will trend that day!!!! (^_^) credits: @HJLFacts + 4DLeaderFacts"
Friday, May 20, 2011
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Vid] Hyun Joong's The Face Shop Iceberg CF
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Vid] Hyun Joong's The Face Shop Iceberg CF: "Here's 17 seconds new CF of Hyun Joong for TheFaceShop . Heaps of thanks to Marvie for shoving this video here. Looks like as the day g..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: 'Strong Heart' King of the Kings Battle-Choi Hong ...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: 'Strong Heart' King of the Kings Battle-Choi Hong ...: "Hyun Joong doesn't even started to promo and yet his schedule on variety shows has already been plotted. Here's another show which we all ..."
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - Perfect Lover No.2
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - Perfect Lover No.2: "waaaaa!! so perfect indeed!! ^ ^ credits: Sina News + (English translation) Re-post with full credits. ..."
hyunited6686: [News] Hyun Joong’s First Solo Album online pre-or...
hyunited6686: [News] Hyun Joong’s First Solo Album online pre-or...: "Source : Translation by : Repost with full credit n ti..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Heo Young Saeng - Reached No.1 on Gaon Char...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Heo Young Saeng - Reached No.1 on Gaon Char...: "luv it!! credits: + (Screencap)"
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - Everyone's Most Curious Ab...
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - Everyone's Most Curious Ab...: "~~me faints~~ hehe but honestly me too is so eager to know who and when he'll decide to settle down and who's the lucky girl will be????? ..."
Monday, May 16, 2011
U-Kiss ♥ 유키스: [INFO] 110517 A list of idols who celebrated the "...
U-Kiss ♥ 유키스: [INFO] 110517 A list of idols who celebrated the "...: "Coming Of Age Day is a special day celebrated in Korea. Those who where born in 1991 will celebrate Coming Of Age Day this year as they tu..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Kim Hyun Joong - Top 20 Korean Stars Girls ...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Kim Hyun Joong - Top 20 Korean Stars Girls ...: "hmmmmm... only on 13th spot??? but nevermind his still my No.1! hehehehe credits: Dkpop news + KHJ Baidu + Your-K-Besties@fb (transl..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Heo Young Saeng - Tops Hanteo's Daily and W...
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Heo Young Saeng - Tops Hanteo's Daily and W...: "yehey!!! what a great news to start a day!! credits: + (translation) Re-post with fu..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Heo Young Saeng - 'Let It Go' Reached 3rd S...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Heo Young Saeng - 'Let It Go' Reached 3rd S...: "wow!! As of 2am KST Young Saeng's 'Let It Go' reaches 3rd spot.... truly TripleS fans wont let Young Saeng down, let's all still support him..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [Update] SS501 Members Dominating Top 3 Spots in H...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Update] SS501 Members Dominating Top 3 Spots in H...: "now this is more like a good news to us all!!! Young Saeng, Park Jung Min and Kim Hyung Jun Mansae!!! credits: Hanteo Charts + @nejeel..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Young Saeng's Live Singing and Charisma ...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Young Saeng's Live Singing and Charisma ...: "Loads of thanks to xiaochu for doing the translation for this article on Quainte501 board. I am so happy to read articles praising Young..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Kim Hyung Jun - oH! aH! Fanmeet in Singapor...
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Kim Hyung Jun - oH! aH! Fanmeet in Singapor...: "the venue looks nice... ^ ^ thanks to @Saengi_C4 for the link. credits: Bling Entertainment + @scanationsg Local organiser – Bl..."
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Info] Young Saeng's Upcoming Schedule for Music S...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Info] Young Saeng's Upcoming Schedule for Music S...: "Credit: Tonight : SBS Fun Quiz Club, It'll be airing at 8:50pm. (Seoul Time) May 19 : M!Countdown (Mnet TV) May 20 ..."
Saturday, May 14, 2011
hyunited6686: [Info] Heo Young Saeng's Thanks to - Mentioning al...
hyunited6686: [Info] Heo Young Saeng's Thanks to - Mentioning al...: "Reposted from @rainaftershine on twitter Extracted from YS’s Thanks To: “SS501 member HyunJoong , KyuJong, Jung Min, HyungJun who cannot ..."
Kathy's Bench: (Article) SS501's Warm Affection and Brotherhood
Kathy's Bench: (Article) SS501's Warm Affection and Brotherhood: "Why oh why... do you look soooooo freakin hot Hyun Joong????!!!! Credit: Translation: On..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Heo Young Saeng - Shows His Own Charm
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Heo Young Saeng - Shows His Own Charm: "agree!! thanks NEJ for sharing... credits: Sports World + @nejeelicious [] (translation) Re-post with fu..."
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
I scream in front of my lappy when the mv starts(not even see his face yet,lol)!
and the song is great!so catchy!until now i keep repeating again and again the song,w/out feling tired or bored!
"just let it go,let it go,let it go..." keep playing in my lips,currently...
but wth happening to youtube,the number of view of the mv remains 303 since the 1st hour its released?maybe the traffic for the link is too busy,and then it get stuck.this looks quite logic since altough the views remains 303,but the ratings and comments keeps raising up,every seconds!so amazing!Triple S power! (^_^)
*Pr0uD T0 bE 0ne!^^
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Heo Young Saeng - Solo Comeback Heo Young S...
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Heo Young Saeng - Solo Comeback Heo Young S...: "Young Saeng fighting!!! credits: + B2M Ent. (photos) + (English translation) SS501 Heo You..."
Hyun Joong Almost Killed?
SS501′s Heo Young Saeng, who released a teaser for his solo debut last week, revealed that he almost killed fellow SS501 member Kim Hyun Joong by accident.
During a recent recording of KBS 2TV’s “Happy Together 3“, Heo Young Saeng confessed, “I almost killed Kim Hyun Joong by accidentally starting a fire”
He explained,
“One night, Kim Hyun Joong and I were drinking at our house. We often light candles at our place and so that day, without fail, we drank after lighting candles.
While we were doing so, an acquaintance called and asked me to come out for a bit. I ended up leaving Kim Hyun Joong who was sleeping to go out. As I was meeting with my acquantainces, I was shocked when I got a call saying that there had been a fire in our house.
I rushed home and saw that 9-1-1 had already come and it was a big mess. I was so worried about Kim Hyun Joong, who was sleeping inside the house, so I quickly went inside to find that Kim Hyun Joong was still sleeping, even though there had been a fire. He was safe, and the house didn’t get damaged that much either.
I was so sorry to Kim Hyun Joong who almost died because of me, but Kim Hyun Joong laughed as he said, ‘Well, you have a story to tell on broadcast now’.“
This broadcast of “Happy Together 3″ will air on May 12th.
credit to : allkpop
During a recent recording of KBS 2TV’s “Happy Together 3“, Heo Young Saeng confessed, “I almost killed Kim Hyun Joong by accidentally starting a fire”
He explained,
“One night, Kim Hyun Joong and I were drinking at our house. We often light candles at our place and so that day, without fail, we drank after lighting candles.
While we were doing so, an acquaintance called and asked me to come out for a bit. I ended up leaving Kim Hyun Joong who was sleeping to go out. As I was meeting with my acquantainces, I was shocked when I got a call saying that there had been a fire in our house.
I rushed home and saw that 9-1-1 had already come and it was a big mess. I was so worried about Kim Hyun Joong, who was sleeping inside the house, so I quickly went inside to find that Kim Hyun Joong was still sleeping, even though there had been a fire. He was safe, and the house didn’t get damaged that much either.
I was so sorry to Kim Hyun Joong who almost died because of me, but Kim Hyun Joong laughed as he said, ‘Well, you have a story to tell on broadcast now’.“
This broadcast of “Happy Together 3″ will air on May 12th.
credit to : allkpop
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Trans] Shanghai Fan Meeting Postponed
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Trans] Shanghai Fan Meeting Postponed: "Well, there must be a good reason why this has to happen. Anyway, it is not canceled the organizer is just postponing the event. It will s..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [Photo] SS501 Message in Japanese Magazine "Kureas...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Photo] SS501 Message in Japanese Magazine "Kureas...: "wow! all sign!! credits: + @aor22"
Lux Mae's Corner: [Scan+Trans] Heo Young Saeng - Featured on Indones...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Scan+Trans] Heo Young Saeng - Featured on Indones...: "ayeeee!! im just getting so excited here!! 2 more days and walllah!! Young Saeng is back!! credits: Gaul Mags No.19 + 1206dpe.blogspot...."
Elle's kingdom: [Trans] Kim Hyun Joong SHOWCASE & BIRTHDAY TOUR in...
Elle's kingdom: [Trans] Kim Hyun Joong SHOWCASE & BIRTHDAY TOUR in...: "Source: KHJ Japan Official Site Japanese~English Translation: miyo @lovekimhyunjoong A special tour has been decided where members will..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [Photo] Heo Young Saeng - Coming Soon List on Melo...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Photo] Heo Young Saeng - Coming Soon List on Melo...: "ayeee!! that means its so soon like few days more... thanks NEJ for sharing.. ^ ^ credits: @nejeelicious"
Elle's kingdom: [Info]Kim Hyun Joong – Top 10 Hottest K-Pop Men
Elle's kingdom: [Info]Kim Hyun Joong – Top 10 Hottest K-Pop Men: "Top 10 Hottest K-Pop Men The Sex God 1. T.O.P It’s tough to resist this rapper’s steamy stare, which he whips out in the middle of his ..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Heo Young Saeng - Soribada Tutorial for You...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Info] Heo Young Saeng - Soribada Tutorial for You...: "luv it! thanks to rainaftershine for sharing.... credits: @hl2414"
Sunday, May 8, 2011
hyunited6686: [News] Hyun Joong currently #2 for “Popularity Awa...
hyunited6686: [News] Hyun Joong currently #2 for “Popularity Awa...: "Source : Translation by jyj3 Reposted from ss501chapter.wordpress Repost with full credit n title..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - His Homepage Hacked
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - His Homepage Hacked: "this people who did this is so so bad!!! credits: SS501 ’s Kim Hyun Joong , who recently opened fanclub membership for ..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [Photo] Kim Hyun Joong - Donated Some Clothing & S...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Photo] Kim Hyun Joong - Donated Some Clothing & S...: "his so kind hearted... ^ ^ credits: Baidu Hyun Bar +"
Friday, May 6, 2011
U-Kiss ♥ 유키스: [NEWS] 110504 19 K-pop stars confirmed for “2011 D...
U-Kiss ♥ 유키스: [NEWS] 110504 19 K-pop stars confirmed for “2011 D...: "Get ready for another massive concert – Korea’s “ 2011 Dream Concert ” has finally confirmed its artist line-up! As reported earlier, the..."
My Inner World: [Trans] Heo Young Saeng Won Triple Crown In YouTub...
My Inner World: [Trans] Heo Young Saeng Won Triple Crown In YouTub...: "I feel so proud of Saengie... ^^ Source: Sports Korea Korean ~ Chinese Trans: PrincessIvy@ 水之蓮生許永生中文網 English Trans:"
Lux Mae's Corner: [Photo] Kim Kyu Jong - with Kwak Sun Young receivi...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Photo] Kim Kyu Jong - with Kwak Sun Young receivi...: "im so excited with the musical... a lot of thanks to @cll_slam10 for sharing the link.. credits: + ..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [Photo] Heo Young Saeng - New Product from Sendmal...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Photo] Heo Young Saeng - New Product from Sendmal...: "hmmmm... nice!! thanks to @cll_slam10 for sharing the link... ^ ^ credits:"
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Lux Mae's Corner: [Vid+Screencap] Heo Young Saeng - First Mini Album...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Vid+Screencap] Heo Young Saeng - First Mini Album...: "oh my!!! Young Saeng...ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! luv it.. credits: b2ment@youtube + @iamsom (screencaps)"
Lux Mae's Corner: [Photo] Kim Hyun Joong - Coupang Marathon Event Of...
Lux Mae's Corner: [Photo] Kim Hyun Joong - Coupang Marathon Event Of...: "just now im wondering how does it feels to run with Hyun Joong?! (^_-) credits: Club Marathon + babyvfan@ ..."
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Heo Young Saeng - Opening Teaser "Charismat...
Lux Mae's Corner: [News] Heo Young Saeng - Opening Teaser "Charismat...: "whatever transformation does YS do....surely ill watch over and over again...hehehe credits: Nate + hyunsaengchina (Korean-Chinese tran..."
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Info] Park Jung Min -- 'I'm NOT ALONE' Showcase &...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Info] Park Jung Min -- 'I'm NOT ALONE' Showcase &...: "Credit: English translation : Park Jung Min Showcase & Fan Party in Shanghai Date: 14th Ma..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Young Saeng's Opening Teaser Transformat...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Young Saeng's Opening Teaser Transformat...: "Here is another article about Young Saeng' s teaser which came out today and upcoming coming that will come out on the 12 of May. Much than..."
Monday, May 2, 2011
hyunited6686: [Notice] KeyEast Announced How to Join Kim Hyun Jo...
hyunited6686: [Notice] KeyEast Announced How to Join Kim Hyun Jo...: "Credit: English Translation by Quainte501 Repost with full credit, PLEASE There is a new notice on Hyun Joong's websi..."
Thursday, April 28, 2011
My Inner World: [Trans] Park Jung Min Smile While Driving Fans Awa...
My Inner World: [Trans] Park Jung Min Smile While Driving Fans Awa...: "JungMinnie's fanservice really surpass all the artistes that I have known. No matter what happens, he will always maintain his cool and smi..."
rea: Kim Bum
rea: Kim Bum: "28 April: Actor Kim Bum has shown off his power as a Hallyu star by recording over 2,590,000 Facebook likes in just under 10 days! Acc..."
rea: Kim Bum
rea: Kim Bum: "28 April: Actor Kim Bum has shown off his power as a Hallyu star by recording over 2,590,000 Facebook likes in just under 10 days! Acc..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Kyu Jong Acting as Prince Shin in Goong
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Kyu Jong Acting as Prince Shin in Goong: "Heaps of thanks to Slam for sharing this translation on her blog. I am really so excited to see Kyu Jong in this musical. This will sur..."
My Inner World: [Trans] Regarding Kim Kyu Jong Acting As Prince Sh...
My Inner World: [Trans] Regarding Kim Kyu Jong Acting As Prince Sh...: "How I really wish that I have a chance to watch this musical esp 1 of my bias Kyu is in it!!! Aish... Source: Musical <> Official B..."
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Hottest ELF: AWASI REMAJA FANATIK KPOP..THIS IS SO RIDICULOUS: "Assalamualaikum and anyeong haseyo.. grrrrrrrr...mood sekarang tengah marah gila ni.. tahap panas menggelegak sudah ni.. tadi cadang esok j..."
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun Joong Is No.1(Again!) at Today's Naver Tr...
Kathy's Bench: Kim Hyun Joong Is No.1(Again!) at Today's Naver Tr...: "Geez!!!! That is our boy!!!! Oh sooooooo handsome and oh so popular!!! Way to go our Hyun Joong!!! So we must, therefore, support him in a..."
hyunited6686: [Article] Kim Hyun Joong is 3rd Best Korean Movie ...
hyunited6686: [Article] Kim Hyun Joong is 3rd Best Korean Movie ...: "Credit : screenjunkies Reposted from kathysbench Have you ever wondered who the 10 best Korean movie stars might be? Some Korean actors ..."
hyunited6686: [News] FC Men wins 5-0 against Incheon Design High...
hyunited6686: [News] FC Men wins 5-0 against Incheon Design High...: "Source: BNT News via nate Credit : allkpop On April 24th, celebrity soccer team FC MEN took home a 5-0 win in the opening game against ..."
My Inner World: [Trans] SS501 Heo Young Saeng "Fighting Spirit in ...
My Inner World: [Trans] SS501 Heo Young Saeng "Fighting Spirit in ...: "This is so worrying... why is saengie so stubborn... I wouldnt want him to get back so fast where he is still recovering from his injuries. ..."
Sunday, April 24, 2011
My Inner World: [News] Heo Youngsaeng admits into the hospital, so...
My Inner World: [News] Heo Youngsaeng admits into the hospital, so...: "Tomorrow I am flying off to Hong Kong for Jungminnie's fan party... but now I totally have no mood... tears are rolling round my eyes withou..."
hyunited6686: Pleasant Revelation, Kim Hyun Joong’s Big Potentia...
hyunited6686: Pleasant Revelation, Kim Hyun Joong’s Big Potentia...: "By Aprilstarr, Queensland, Australia, in collaboration with Lnprz, New Zealand For: Repost from: hyunniespexers ..."
hyunited6686: [News] FC MEN, the Idol Soccer Team– Do They Pick ...
hyunited6686: [News] FC MEN, the Idol Soccer Team– Do They Pick ...: "Source: Hankyung Xports News Translation Credit: withJYJ Shared by : JYJ3 repost from: kathysbench “Flower boys soccer team” FC MEN..."
Elle's kingdom: [Info]SSFF Project for Leader B-Day+SS501 6th Anni...
Elle's kingdom: [Info]SSFF Project for Leader B-Day+SS501 6th Anni...: "credit: Hello My Dear SSFF + T-S As you guys kno..."
hyunited6686: [News] Chinese Netizens Ranked Top 5 Hallyu Stars ...
hyunited6686: [News] Chinese Netizens Ranked Top 5 Hallyu Stars ...: "Credit: TV Daily Trans by: Netizens from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong conducted a fashion survey about the best Ha..."
hyunited6686: [Fan Account] Taking a Photo with Papa Hyun Joong
hyunited6686: [Fan Account] Taking a Photo with Papa Hyun Joong: "Reposted from KHJ Baidu and 小女孩与贤重爸爸的合影是有4步曲…. The 4 steps involved in taking a g..."
Saturday, April 23, 2011
hyunited6686: [News] Kim Hyun Joong ranks #1 as the Most Handsom...
hyunited6686: [News] Kim Hyun Joong ranks #1 as the Most Handsom...: "Credit : chescakes at Manila, Philippines – Kim Hyun Joong ranks number 1 as the Most Handsome in Korea in a Spanish websit..."
hyunited6686: [Info] Jaksal Chicken Website Now Open
hyunited6686: [Info] Jaksal Chicken Website Now Open: "here’s the address: thanks to @kim_i96 at twitter captured by Finally Jak..."
hyunited6686: [Info] Details of the upcoming 2011 FC Men Matches...
hyunited6686: [Info] Details of the upcoming 2011 FC Men Matches...: "Part 1 source : eng trans : @fcmensince2011 [24/4 match detail] 24/4 home open..."
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: Houses and apartments make a huge deal
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: Houses and apartments make a huge deal: "Hyunjoong apartment: Cost: 3 billion won where: Chungdamdong in Kangnam-gu type: Villa Hyungjun apartment: Cost: 3 billion won type: new..."
hyunited6686: [News+Screen Cap] KeyEast Announced about The Winn...
hyunited6686: [News+Screen Cap] KeyEast Announced about The Winn...: "Credit: Screen Captured by hyunited6686 ( ) Repost with full credit, PLEASE KeyE..."
Happy Boys! SS501: Kyu Jong's greeting in Japanese
Happy Boys! SS501: Kyu Jong's greeting in Japanese: "I guess Kyu Jong tells Japanese fans that Musical Goong is presented in Kyoto. I'm so~~~~ happy to see him. ^_^ please give a proper cred..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Vid] Kyu Jong's Musical Goong Invite
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Vid] Kyu Jong's Musical Goong Invite: "Much thanks to veggiedelight for emailing this. This is Kyu Jong and his co-star in 'Goong' in Kyoto Japan. Heaps of thanks to 안녕,왕자님 ..."
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [KEYEAST Notice] Kim Hyun Joong's Official FANCLUB...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [KEYEAST Notice] Kim Hyun Joong's Official FANCLUB...: "The winner of Kim Hyun Joong official fanclub name is Henecia. ^^ Henecia means Hyun Joong + Benecia (Blessed in Latin) = Blessed Hyun Jo..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Jung Min worried about fans getting inju...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Jung Min worried about fans getting inju...: "Super heaps of thanks to rainaftershine for sharing this translation on her blog . I think for everyone's safety all of use should restrain..."
hyunited6686: [Info] Kim Hyun Joong - DATV 2011 Product Collecti...
hyunited6686: [Info] Kim Hyun Joong - DATV 2011 Product Collecti...: "Source :"
Monday, April 18, 2011
Happy Boys! SS501: Young Saeng's upcoming schedule
Happy Boys! SS501: Young Saeng's upcoming schedule: "As you already know, he will participate in Happy Together recording on April 23. Today, more schedules are updated at Young Saeng's officia..."
♥ SS501 Forever As One ♥: [14.04.2011] Los miembros de SS501 en el Top 10 en...
♥ SS501 Forever As One ♥: [14.04.2011] Los miembros de SS501 en el Top 10 en...: "Kim Hyun Joong consigue el número 1 como el Más Guapo en Corea en una web en español llamada 'Listas'. Kim Hyun Joong ha conseguido 1,406,..."
Saturday, April 16, 2011
hyunited6686: [news] Korea’s Top 50 Most Handsome Men of 2011 – ...
hyunited6686: [news] Korea’s Top 50 Most Handsome Men of 2011 – ...: "Poll conducted by YStar Channel..I beg to disagree on the rankings…lolreposted from:…e-men-of-201..."
hyunited6686: [info] KeyEast The Start of the Voting for Kim Hyu...
hyunited6686: [info] KeyEast The Start of the Voting for Kim Hyu...: "Source: Chinese Translation: 彭彭@|Magic賢| English Translation: Khjgalaxy Hi everyone, this is Keyeast. From 4th o..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] 5th Annual Peace Star Celebrity Soccer T...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] 5th Annual Peace Star Celebrity Soccer T...: "Loads of thanks to Ode for translating this news on her blog. Now we have an idea who won and how Hyun Joong played. Ahh tough luck on Hyu..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Trans] Jung Min 'Thank Yous' on re-packed album
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Trans] Jung Min 'Thank Yous' on re-packed album: "Much thanks Slam for translating the 'Thank Yous' of Jung Min on the re-packed album posted on her blog. I thought I wouldn't be able to se..."
Friday, April 15, 2011
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Jae Joong Talks about Hyun Joong
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Jae Joong Talks about Hyun Joong: "I was awakened by a text message from 'B' and told me to go their blog to check the interiview of Jae Joong from Sports Daily wherein he men..."
Thursday, April 14, 2011
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Photos] Jersey No. 51 from MWL Sports
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Photos] Jersey No. 51 from MWL Sports: "Much thanks to veggiedelight for the following photos which she lifted from Baidu . I went to the link she sent for MWLSports and saw tha..."
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Notice] Keyeast Notice -- We Hope for Fans' Coop...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Notice] Keyeast Notice -- We Hope for Fans' Coop...: "Credit: Translation : Hi, this is Keyeast. We tr..."
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Notice] Keyeast Notice -- We Hope for Fans' Coop...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Notice] Keyeast Notice -- We Hope for Fans' Coop...: "Credit: Translation : Hi, this is Keyeast. We tr..."
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【 규종 】:: Goong seating plan + schedule (11/June ~ ...
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【 규종 】:: Goong seating plan + schedule (11/June ~ ...: "↑This is the schedule for Goong's 1st round of musical play from 11/June to 19/June. ↑ This is the schedule for Goong's FULL round of..."
rea: K-pop Charity Concert
rea: K-pop Charity Concert: "13 April:2PM, Park Jungmin, Infinite, TVXQ, Se7en, Super Junior and more to perform in Thailand next week Many Kpop artists will be vi..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Full Vid] MuHigh 2nd Birthday on Webcast 04.14.11...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Full Vid] MuHigh 2nd Birthday on Webcast 04.14.11...: "I am certain many are already waiting for this. Here's MuHigh's 2nd Birthday broadcast today with Jung Min and Kyu Jong as special guests ..."
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
My Cozy Li'l Corner: Mnet to Feature SS501 & Park Jung Min
My Cozy Li'l Corner: Mnet to Feature SS501 & Park Jung Min: "Yay, got so busy wasn't able to post since last night. Anyway, went to see what's been happening since my last post and seems that I didn't..."
K-pop Minnie 501: [Info]K-POP CHARITY PART 1 in Thai(April 21. Impac...
K-pop Minnie 501: [Info]K-POP CHARITY PART 1 in Thai(April 21. Impac...: "~K-POP CHARITY PART 1(April 21. Impact Arena)~ Park Jung Min 3 Songs Kim Hyung Jun 4 Songs U-Kiss 5 Songs 2PM 5 Songs INFINITE 5 Songs Kim T..."
K-pop Minnie 501: [Info]Jung Min on Japan Mnet Broadcast
K-pop Minnie 501: [Info]Jung Min on Japan Mnet Broadcast: "Source: Mnet Japan Jap ~ Chinese Trans: 茶泡饭@DoubleS-SS501中文网 Chinese ~ English Trans: http// Pls repost with credits F..."
My Inner World: [Scans & Trans] Park Jung Min in ぴあ No.1331
My Inner World: [Scans & Trans] Park Jung Min in ぴあ No.1331: "I love this interview of Jungminnie... really shows a different side of him... a more mature side... ^^ Credit on the pics Jap ~ Chinese Tr..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Park Jung Min : A Noticeable Remarkable ...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Park Jung Min : A Noticeable Remarkable ...: "Much thanks to Slam for providing the translation from Japan PIA Magazine and sharing on her blog . This interview is kind of different fr..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Pix & Gifs] Kyu Jong Playing Baseball
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Pix & Gifs] Kyu Jong Playing Baseball: "Who would have thought that Kyu Jong is also playing baseball? He must have been influenced by Young Saeng . According to Lois ' blog wher..."
K-pop Minnie 501: 『Friend's Whistle! Act for Tomorrow!』Event in Yoko...
K-pop Minnie 501: 『Friend's Whistle! Act for Tomorrow!』Event in Yoko...: "Trans: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 『Friend’s Whistle! Act for Tomorrow!』 Where: Pacifico Yokohama, Conve..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: It's Official Kyu Jong to Play Prince Shin in 'Goo...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: It's Official Kyu Jong to Play Prince Shin in 'Goo...: "This image of Kyu Jong from Goong's Japanese website and news reports about his participation in the Japanese musical adaptation is perfect..."
hyunited6686: [Info] Coupang Share Event!
hyunited6686: [Info] Coupang Share Event!: "Source: Screenshot by Miclub KHJ + Telzone KHJ Translation by Khjgalaxy Repost from: ..."
Monday, April 11, 2011
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Kyu Jong's 04.11.12 Tweets are on the Ne...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Kyu Jong's 04.11.12 Tweets are on the Ne...: "Kyu Jong's tweets from yesterday landed on the news again as Sports Chosun reported it. Here's translation courtesy of xiaochu of Quainte50..."
hyunited6686: [News] Kim Hyun Joong and SS501 Will Broadcast ” F...
hyunited6686: [News] Kim Hyun Joong and SS501 Will Broadcast ” F...: "Source: Mnet Japanjapanese ~ Chinese Trans: 茶泡饭@DoubleS-SS501中文网Chinese ~ English Trans: http//cllslam10.blogspot.comRepost from: en. korea...."
Sunday, April 10, 2011
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Vids] Jung Min and Hyung Jun invite for PD Showti...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Vids] Jung Min and Hyung Jun invite for PD Showti...: "On April 21 Jung Min and Hyung Jun together with 2PM, U-Kiss, Infinite and many other idols from Korean will be in Thailand for the PD Show..."
Saturday, April 9, 2011
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Pix & Vid] Hyung Jun @ SBS PowerFM CultShow by Pr...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Pix & Vid] Hyung Jun @ SBS PowerFM CultShow by Pr...: "Today our very busy Kim Hyung Jun was at SBS PowerFM CultShow to promote his album 'My Girl'. Prettyboy was at the station and took video an..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Ambitious Hyung Jun
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Article] Ambitious Hyung Jun: "Loads of thank you once again to xiaochu for the translation of this article and sharing on Quainte501. As the saying goes, within our drea..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Pix] Hyung Joon @ 1000 Songs Challenge Recording
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Pix] Hyung Joon @ 1000 Songs Challenge Recording: "Hyung Jun had a recording last Tuesday, 5th of April for 1000 Song Challenge. If you remember it, he tweeted just before 11PM KST that he d..."
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [Photo] Young Saeng to release new album on 28 Apr...
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [Photo] Young Saeng to release new album on 28 Apr...: "2 photo released by news media. Young Saeng will be releasing his new album on 28 April 2011. Yay! Title song is 'Let It Go'. He is chall..."
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Photo] Kim Hyun Joong feature on Epop Malaysian M...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Photo] Kim Hyun Joong feature on Epop Malaysian M...: "Epop Malaysian MagazineCredit: gasnot February 2011’s EPOP Magazine Credit: Nini Suri The Philipine Star Credit: Unnie Yollie"
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Info] SS501 Kyu Jong in Goong Musical (Japanese V...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Info] SS501 Kyu Jong in Goong Musical (Japanese V...: "Yunho from TVXQ was the male lead in Korean version of Goong Musical. Now Our turn~~ the Japanese Version is Our Center KyuJo..."
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [News] FC Men to participate in this year’s “2011 ...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [News] FC Men to participate in this year’s “2011 ...: "Source: OSEN via Nate, Peace Star Cup Official Website Credit: VITALSIGN @ Allkpop ‘FC Men‘, a celebrity soccer/charity team led by JYJ’s J..."
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [News] FC Men To Join Suwon Samsung Football Club
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [News] FC Men To Join Suwon Samsung Football Club: "Source : JYJ Junsu to Join Suwon Samsung Football Club JYJ’s Junsu and his football club FC Men are set to join the..."
hyunited6686: [News] Coupang beats Ticket Monster, crowned No.1 ...
hyunited6686: [News] Coupang beats Ticket Monster, crowned No.1 ...: "Source : Reposted from khjgalaxy Last month, Coupang's number of unique visitors beats Ticket Monster, the leading social co..."
hyunited6686: [News] FC Men to participate in this year’s “2011 ...
hyunited6686: [News] FC Men to participate in this year’s “2011 ...: "Source: OSEN via + Credit : VITALSIGN ‘FC Men‘, a celebrity soccer/charity team led by JYJ’s Junsu, wil..."
Friday, April 8, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
hyunited6686: [News] Tetsuya Komuro's Message on Kim Hyun Joong
hyunited6686: [News] Tetsuya Komuro's Message on Kim Hyun Joong: "Source: elley Chinese Translation: wing@ Magic賢 English Translation: khjgalaxy (s2rene) Reposted on khjgalaxy Repost with full credit,PLEASE..."
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Tutorial] How to Search for Kim Hyun Joong on Kor...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Tutorial] How to Search for Kim Hyun Joong on Kor...: "Credit: Rene @ khjgalaxy There are 3 search portals in South Korea. These are where you can find his news. 1) 2) htt..."
hyunited6686: [News] JYJ Kim Junsu Soccer Team FC MEN, Joining ‘...
hyunited6686: [News] JYJ Kim Junsu Soccer Team FC MEN, Joining ‘...: "Credit: TVDailyTrans by: FC MEN, a fairly new formed soccer team led by JYJ member Kim Junsu in which many celebrities i..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Pix & Vids] Hyung Jun @ Star Life Theater Stalker...
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [Pix & Vids] Hyung Jun @ Star Life Theater Stalker...: "When I saw my timeline earlier that Hyung Jun attended some event I was actually curious about it because we didn't know anything about it. ..."
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [Message] HyunJoong message for Lotte Duty Free Sh...
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [Message] HyunJoong message for Lotte Duty Free Sh...: "From: kimhyunjoong24Kor-Chi: xinhm @ hyunjoongchina + japanese-Chi: 紫色 @ hyunjoongchina ( translation: rainaft..."
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [Message] HyunJoong message for Lotte Duty Free Sh...
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [Message] HyunJoong message for Lotte Duty Free Sh...: "From: kimhyunjoong24Kor-Chi: xinhm @ hyunjoongchina + japanese-Chi: 紫色 @ hyunjoongchina ( translation: rainaft..."
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [INFO] FC MEN Soccer Team Players
My Cozy Li'l Corner: [INFO] FC MEN Soccer Team Players: "Source: Translation: Khjgalaxy"
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
hyunited6686: [Info] April 2011 Cafe Daum Ranking
hyunited6686: [Info] April 2011 Cafe Daum Ranking: "Credit: Cafe Daum + 愿希梦 @ SS501 Baidu Repost from: hyunniespexers 1. TVXQ – 747648 (-3579) 2. Big Bang – 346700 (-270) 3. SNSD – ..."
Monday, April 4, 2011
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [KEYEAST Notice] Regarding to Kim Hyun Joong's Off...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [KEYEAST Notice] Regarding to Kim Hyun Joong's Off...: "[KEYEAST Notice] Regarding to Kim Hyun Joong's Official Fan Club Name [2011.04.04] Korean to English translation: wonderrrgirl @ LoveKimH..."
hyunited6686: [News] Coupang Upcoming Event : To Spend A Beautif...
hyunited6686: [News] Coupang Upcoming Event : To Spend A Beautif...: "english trans: bb original in korean: coupang translated in chinese: yoyo @baidu KHJ thread translated into english: b..."
hyunited6686: [news] Coupang's Report Card
hyunited6686: [news] Coupang's Report Card: "Source: Screenshot by: Miclub KHJ Repost from: khjg..."
hyunited6686: [News] Schedule of Soccer Matches
hyunited6686: [News] Schedule of Soccer Matches: "Source: Screenshots by DC KHJ Reposted on 15th AprilTime: 17: 00 KST FC Men VS Super..."
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Poll] 2010 South Korea’s Best Eye-Smile Ranking
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Poll] 2010 South Korea’s Best Eye-Smile Ranking: "Credit: Baidu, vinamalia@soompi, forevershiningshinee, dkpopnews 1. FT ISLAND Lee HongKi 5.9% (3,760 votes) 2. 2PM Nichkhun 5.7% (3,623 vo..."
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Article] Kim Hyun-Joong Is Nominated For An Award...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Article] Kim Hyun-Joong Is Nominated For An Award...: "Sources:@KHJPERFECT, Hyunderella, and Reposted on POPSEOUL Do you think he is the Most Popular TV Star? If the answer is ye..."
Friday, April 1, 2011
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Info] Jung Min & Hyung Jun will attend a Charity ...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Info] Jung Min & Hyung Jun will attend a Charity ...: "Credit: Reposted on"
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【 정민 】:: <THE, PARK JUNG MIN>1st Mini Album releas...
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【 정민 】:: <THE, PARK JUNG MIN>1st Mini Album releas...: "드디어 정민씨의 첫 미니앨범/EP 「THE, PARK JUNG MIN」 가 공개되었습니다. 4월7일 출시한 예정인 이앨범에서는 참 시크하면서도 다정하는 매력적인 정민씨가 담아가고있습니다. Finally Jungmin's 1st mini albu..."
Thursday, March 31, 2011
hyunited6686: [info] Kim Hyun Joong – FC Men Ladies Day Special ...
hyunited6686: [info] Kim Hyun Joong – FC Men Ladies Day Special ...: "Credit: iamsom@twitter Repost from: babyvfan"
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Trans] Kim Hyung Jun's "HEAVEN" Was Written In Me...
SS5Ⓞ1 Cafe: [Trans] Kim Hyung Jun's "HEAVEN" Was Written In Me...: "Source: Korean Official Website Korean to Chinese Trans: 豆子 @ Chinese to English Trans: F..."
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
hyunited6686: [Trans] Portion of Aera March Issue feat. Kim Hyun...
hyunited6686: [Trans] Portion of Aera March Issue feat. Kim Hyun...: "Scanned Photos courtesy of elley's blog Summary Translation by lafone / Kim Hyun Joong 'I am always afraid o..."
Sunday, March 27, 2011
WELCOME TO: Korea’s Most Handsome Artists Ranking 2010
WELCOME TO: Korea’s Most Handsome Artists Ranking 2010: "01. Minho – SHINee (2494) 02. Jung Yong Hwa – C.N.Blue (2129) 03. G-Dragon – Big Bang (1774) 04. Jokwon – 2AM (1648) 05. Taecyeon – 2PM ..."
Saturday, March 26, 2011
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [Info] Hyung Jun’s ‘My Girl’ Album Fan Sign Event ...
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [Info] Hyung Jun’s ‘My Girl’ Album Fan Sign Event ...: "Reposted from: (English translation) ode @ + + Please repost with full credit [Info][2..."
Friday, March 25, 2011
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [News] Kim HyunJoong, first solo album "want to be...
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [News] Kim HyunJoong, first solo album "want to be...: "Source: osen Chinese translation: xiaoyudian @ English translation: Please repost with full credi..."
hyunited6686: [Scans+Eng.Trans] Kim Hyun Joong in Asian Plus (In...
hyunited6686: [Scans+Eng.Trans] Kim Hyun Joong in Asian Plus (In...: "Credit: Asian Plus (Indonesian Tabloid) 418th Edition (March 23rd-29th,2011) Scans & English Tanslation by hyunited6686 ( http://www.hyu..."
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【 정민 】:: New repackaged album - Jacket shooting ph...
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【 정민 】:: New repackaged album - Jacket shooting ph...: "Jungmin's repackaged album is expected to be released in beginning of April, to be more exact, around the end of 1st week of April. This wa..."
Thursday, March 24, 2011
SS501 Cafe: [Info] Park Jung Min Birthday Event in Seoul
SS501 Cafe: [Info] Park Jung Min Birthday Event in Seoul: "From: Chinese translation: 피오나@PJM IFC ( English translation: rainaftershine..."
SS501 Cafe: [News] Kim Hyun Joong -- 2011 The Most Popular in ...
SS501 Cafe: [News] Kim Hyun Joong -- 2011 The Most Popular in ...: "Source: C&R Indonesia Weekly Tabloid, March 2011 edition Scan and Eng.Trans Summary by M’cia/ China’s sites ..."
K-pop Minnie 501: [Accessories&Photo] JungMin @ Japan Official Goods...
K-pop Minnie 501: [Accessories&Photo] JungMin @ Japan Official Goods...: "Credit :: + Japan official Shop("
SS501 Cafe: [News] Kim Hyun Joong -- Providing Nursing Product...
SS501 Cafe: [News] Kim Hyun Joong -- Providing Nursing Product...: "Reposted on +"
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
hyunited6686: [News] Kim Hyun Joong is busily recording for his ...
hyunited6686: [News] Kim Hyun Joong is busily recording for his ...: "Source: OSEN via NateCourtesy of VITALSIGN / AllKPop SS501’s leader, Kim Hyun Joong, is finally working towards releasing his debut solo ..."
SS501 Cafe: [Photo] Hyun Joong -- TOP 5 Daily Best Endorsement...
SS501 Cafe: [Photo] Hyun Joong -- TOP 5 Daily Best Endorsement...: "Credit : TFS & HANGTEN CF won the first two"
K-pop Minnie 501: [Trans] Park Jung Min in HOT CHILI PAPER Vol.61 Ma...
K-pop Minnie 501: [Trans] Park Jung Min in HOT CHILI PAPER Vol.61 Ma...: "Credit :: no.430ark@com( Japanese to Chinese Trans: No.43 Park Chinese to English Trans:"
♥ SS501 Forever As One ♥: Las fotos del pasaporte de Kim Hyung Jun soprenden...
♥ SS501 Forever As One ♥: Las fotos del pasaporte de Kim Hyung Jun soprenden...: " La foto del pasaporte del miembro de SS501 Kim Hyung Jun (24 años), tomada hace poco tiempo, ha creado un gran tema de conversa..."
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【 정민 】:: 03.20 S'pore Fanmeet fan-account + the re...
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【 정민 】:: 03.20 S'pore Fanmeet fan-account + the re...: "Hi, This is just a simple fan-account. I'm not a writer. ^^ this is only writing about the fanmeet. While many fans were waiting outside i..."
♥ SS501 Forever As One ♥: Kim Hyun Joong el número 3 en los 10 mejores actor...
♥ SS501 Forever As One ♥: Kim Hyun Joong el número 3 en los 10 mejores actor...: "** Solo traduzco lo que dice de Hyun Joong Aquí están los diez mejores actores de dramas coreanos que actualmente son muy populares. Co..."
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【 형준 】:: Fansign sessions again this coming weeken...
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【 형준 】:: Fansign sessions again this coming weeken...: "The more fansign sessions there are, the better it is for increasing awareness. Venue: Synnara Record @ Central (in front of Shinsegye de..."
K-pop Minnie 501: [News] Lifting up like a bride, feeding, hugging, ...
K-pop Minnie 501: [News] Lifting up like a bride, feeding, hugging, ...: "Source: WanBao eNews Scanned: English trans: Give proper credit when reposting, thanks! ************..."
Saturday, March 19, 2011
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【 형준 】 :: 세바퀴 , Sponge , Music Bank , Ilsan Fansig...
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【 형준 】 :: 세바퀴 , Sponge , Music Bank , Ilsan Fansig...: "Fancams of the various variety programmes and music programmes plus fansign. By Pretty Boy at |"
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [News] Korean Star Park JungMin not sexy, wishes t...
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [News] Korean Star Park JungMin not sexy, wishes t...: "Source: English translation: Plane..."
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【 형준 】 :: 세바퀴 , Sponge , Music Bank , Ilsan Fansig...
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【 형준 】 :: 세바퀴 , Sponge , Music Bank , Ilsan Fansig...: "Fancams of the various variety programmes and music programmes plus fansign. By Pretty Boy at |"
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [CNR Notice] Notice about Park JungMin birthday ce...
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [CNR Notice] Notice about Park JungMin birthday ce...: "Source: Chinese translation: 피오나 @ PJMIFC English translation: Please repost with full credit [..."
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [Info] Kim HyungJun Synnara Record Fan Sign Event ...
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [Info] Kim HyungJun Synnara Record Fan Sign Event ...: "Thanks XiaoChu for the translation. Both Tom & Jerry has a fan sign event today! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Credits : http://www.synnara...."
Friday, March 18, 2011
K-pop Minnie 501: JungMin's @ trending in Singapore
K-pop Minnie 501: JungMin's @ trending in Singapore: "Credit :: hyunited6686@Twitter Give proper credit when reposting, thanks! *************************************************************** ..."
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【정민】 :: 03.17 인천 출국 - Departs Korea for S'pore =직찍...
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【정민】 :: 03.17 인천 출국 - Departs Korea for S'pore =직찍...: "According to the description, a funny episode hapepened when he was departing for Singapore yesterday. When he was being asked in an inter..."
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【정민】 :: Showcase in Malaysia Promo
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: 【정민】 :: Showcase in Malaysia Promo: "Jungmin is expected to take his promotions onto Malaysia's shore. It will be a few days after his 25th birthday. Which is why during this ev..."
hyunited6686: [Photo] Kim Hyun Joong - Playful Kiss 'Comic Versi...
hyunited6686: [Photo] Kim Hyun Joong - Playful Kiss 'Comic Versi...: "Credit : Repost from KHJ baidu"
borak kosong: Rupanya Jackie jual ikan di Singapura
borak kosong: Rupanya Jackie jual ikan di Singapura: "Penjual ikan Zhang Sui Xing, 48, mukanya serupa dengan bintang filem aksi Hong Kong yang terkenal dan telah mengelirukan ramai orang y..."
♥ SS501 Forever As One ♥: Kim Hyun Joong sigue este año en
♥ SS501 Forever As One ♥: Kim Hyun Joong sigue este año en "Forbes es la revista (y sitio online) que hace listas, rankings, de los famosos con más dinero o poder en el mundo. Nuestro lider ya estaba..."
hyunited6686: [Pic] Kim Hyun Joong in The Straits Times News Pap...
hyunited6686: [Pic] Kim Hyun Joong in The Straits Times News Pap...: "Credit: Black @ Repost with full credit, PLEASE. According to Black, this newspaper was found in an AirPlane..."
Thursday, March 17, 2011
♥ SS501 Forever As One ♥: Maxi Ranking de Japón de los Miembros (de las Boyb...
♥ SS501 Forever As One ♥: Maxi Ranking de Japón de los Miembros (de las Boyb...: "1. Yoochun (JYJ) 34525 2. JaeJoong (JYJ) 30359 3. ChangMin (TVXQ) 27789 4. YunHo (TVXQ) 25637 5. Junsu (JYJ) 25088 6. G-Dragon (Big Bang) 17..."
hyunited6686: [Vote] Kim Hyun Joong Nominated at 15th Global Chi...
hyunited6686: [Vote] Kim Hyun Joong Nominated at 15th Global Chi...: "Source: s2rene @ twitter + kathysbech So, Hyun Joong was nominated in the INTERNATIONAL Star if I am not mistaken along side Hyun Bin, Lee..."
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
K-pop Minnie 501: [Chart]JungMin@HONGKONG TOP TEN
K-pop Minnie 501: [Chart]JungMin@HONGKONG TOP TEN: "Credit :: park-jung-min@com Give proper credit when reposting, thanks! ******************************************************* 1. MORE THAN..."
K-pop Minnie 501: [Chart]JungMin@HONGKONG TOP TEN
K-pop Minnie 501: [Chart]JungMin@HONGKONG TOP TEN: "Credit :: park-jung-min@com Give proper credit when reposting, thanks! ******************************************************* 1. MORE THAN..."
hyunited6686: [Photo] A letter from a husband of Kim Hyun Joong'...
hyunited6686: [Photo] A letter from a husband of Kim Hyun Joong'...: "Source: Samhung @ Weibo English Translation: s2rene Location: Some Ramen Shop in S.Korea where customers can post their messages The au..."
hyunited6686: [News] ‘Correct Answer Girl’ Kim Su Jeong, First k...
hyunited6686: [News] ‘Correct Answer Girl’ Kim Su Jeong, First k...: "News Courtesy ArtsNews + (chi trans) xiaoyudian@Hyunbar + (eng trans) kelemama@501wangja.multiply.comRepost from: hyunniespexers Please re..."
hyunited6686: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - a star born in cyberspace
hyunited6686: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - a star born in cyberspace: "Credits:…el-ciberespacio Reposted from: by Inprz (newyorkcitygirl of soompi) Reposted from Quaint..."
hyunited6686: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - 10 Best Korean Drama Actor...
hyunited6686: [News] Kim Hyun Joong - 10 Best Korean Drama Actor...: "Source : Here are the top ten best Korean drama actors th..."
Sunday, March 13, 2011
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [News] SS501 Park Jung Min to Celebrate His Birthd...
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [News] SS501 Park Jung Min to Celebrate His Birthd...: "Thanks @tzeyin28 for tweeting me the translation for this news. Think Mal will be happy to celebration his birthday with both Singaporean &a..."
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [News][2011.03.13] SS501 Park Jung Min meeting fan...
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [News][2011.03.13] SS501 Park Jung Min meeting fan...: "Thanks @tzeyin28 for tweeting me this translation by her. ^^ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Credit: 中国报 (China Press) Reported by 覃小萍 Chi..."
Samson's Blog: anime boy with brown hair and brown
Samson's Blog: anime boy with brown hair and brown: "cute anime boy with brown hair. What set of anime bishis do you like best? 5Blarge5D5BAnimePaper5Dscans_Mobile.jpg Brown Hair Brown Eyes A..."
K-pop Minnie 501: [News] SS501 Park Jung Min will be meeting his fan...
K-pop Minnie 501: [News] SS501 Park Jung Min will be meeting his fan...: "Credit: 中国报 (China Press) Reported by 覃小萍 Chinese to English translation: @tzeyin28 on Twitter Give proper credit when reposting, thanks! **..."
hyunited6686: [English Trans+Print Screen] Kim Hyun Joong's Mess...
hyunited6686: [English Trans+Print Screen] Kim Hyun Joong's Mess...: "Credit: Print Screen by hyunited6866 ( ) English Trans – babyvfan (www.babyvfan.word..."
Saturday, March 12, 2011
rea: Hana Kimi
rea: Hana Kimi: "10 Maret: SM Entertainment has recently revealed that they will produce a new drama, and talks about who will be the lead role i..."
Samson's Blog: cute missing you images
Samson's Blog: cute missing you images: "When you will save the "Wish you wre here (cute chimp) " it will be save as Cute Missing You Graphic Send this cute miss you c..."
K-pop Minnie 501: [Scan]Jung Min @Trendy Magazine No.21
K-pop Minnie 501: [Scan]Jung Min @Trendy Magazine No.21: "Credit :: Trendy Magazine@Facebook Give proper credit when reposting, thanks! ******************************************************"
Friday, March 11, 2011
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: Vote for <oH aH> @ Mnet Jp for MCountdown
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: Vote for <oH aH> @ Mnet Jp for MCountdown: "Once again, it's Friday of the week again and it's time to vote on MCountdown since voting is not a choice, but a must in order for you to s..."
hyunited6686: [News] 110310 Kim HyunJoong, foreign baby passiona...
hyunited6686: [News] 110310 Kim HyunJoong, foreign baby passiona...: "Source: translation: 薇薇 @ Baidu Tieba KHJ English translation: Repost from hyu..."
hyunited6686: [Info] Kim Hyun Joong - Nominated at the 15th Glob...
hyunited6686: [Info] Kim Hyun Joong - Nominated at the 15th Glob...: "Source : Repost from khjgalaxy The nominees for the Most Popular & I..."
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: Signing up as member on Mnet JP so that you could ...
➄Ⓞ➀ 순간에는 ☆★☆★: Signing up as member on Mnet JP so that you could ...: "Seeing this news on Allkpop (though I never liked to), this news stated that international fans can now make a difference to the scorings on..."
Baby's Single Album!
Sorry for late (juz 1 day,LOL)
but still, i want to tell u that i'm so excited and happy for ths album!congrates baby for be a winner on the chart!^^
but still, i want to tell u that i'm so excited and happy for ths album!congrates baby for be a winner on the chart!^^
♥ Loverhollic Robotronic ♥: Kim Hyung Jun released "GIRL" MV!
♥ Loverhollic Robotronic ♥: Kim Hyung Jun released "GIRL" MV!: "SS501′s maknae Kim Hyung Jun released the official MV of his first solo song GIRL,check out the MV here,did he surprise you? Source: D..."
rea: MBC 50th Anniversary Korean Music Wave Concert
rea: MBC 50th Anniversary Korean Music Wave Concert: "8 Maret: It was just announced that Super Junior, KARA, and Big Bang will not perform at MBC’s “50th Anniversary Korean Music Wave Concert ..."
rea: MBC 50th Anniversary Korean Music Wave Concert
rea: MBC 50th Anniversary Korean Music Wave Concert: "8 Maret: It was just announced that Super Junior, KARA, and Big Bang will not perform at MBC’s “50th Anniversary Korean Music Wave Concert ..."
K-pop Minnie 501: [Info]Jung Min @SHOWCASE & FAN PARTY MALAYSIA
K-pop Minnie 501: [Info]Jung Min @SHOWCASE & FAN PARTY MALAYSIA: "Credit :: Need Entertainment @ Facebook Give proper credit when reposting, thanks! *********************************************************..."
Monday, March 7, 2011
SS501 will comeback !!: park jung min mk startoday twitter interview
SS501 will comeback !!: park jung min mk startoday twitter interview: "@mkstartoday: today from 2PM SS501 Park Jung Min will be having his twitter interview through @mkstartoday. Please ask any que..."
SS501 will comeback !!: SS501 Maknae Kim HyungJun going out his first step...
SS501 will comeback !!: SS501 Maknae Kim HyungJun going out his first step...: "9th talk: Group idol solo new start!SS501 maknae Kim HyungJun going out his first step Q: Kim HyungJun-ssi, long time didn't met, what have..."
SS501 will comeback !!: SS501 Maknae Kim HyungJun going out his first step...
SS501 will comeback !!: SS501 Maknae Kim HyungJun going out his first step...: "9th talk: Group idol solo new start!SS501 maknae Kim HyungJun going out his first step Q: Kim HyungJun-ssi, long time didn't met, what have..."
SS501 will comeback !!: SS501 Maknae Kim HyungJun going out his first step...
SS501 will comeback !!: SS501 Maknae Kim HyungJun going out his first step...: "9th talk: Group idol solo new start!SS501 maknae Kim HyungJun going out his first step Q: Kim HyungJun-ssi, long time didn't met, what have..."
SS501 will comeback !!: SS501 Maknae Kim HyungJun going out his first step...
SS501 will comeback !!: SS501 Maknae Kim HyungJun going out his first step...: "9th talk: Group idol solo new start!SS501 maknae Kim HyungJun going out his first step Q: Kim HyungJun-ssi, long time didn't met, what have..."
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [Info] JungMin Malaysia Fan Meeting [2011.03.07]
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [Info] JungMin Malaysia Fan Meeting [2011.03.07]: "JungMin's Malaysia fan meeting detail is released. The detail purchased method is not released yet, follow Sony Music Malaysia and Need Ente..."
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [CNR Notice] Regarding Park JungMin chinese name
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [CNR Notice] Regarding Park JungMin chinese name: "It is really true that there are many versions of JungMin's chinese name floating around the internet, hopefully after this official notice,..."
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [News] Kim Hyun Joong, beat Song Joongki – DaeSeon...
SS501 UFO @ Planet Hyun: [News] Kim Hyun Joong, beat Song Joongki – DaeSeon...: "Source: NewsenEng Trans: kelemama @ 501wangja.multiply.comPlease repost with full credits [News][2011.03.04] Kim Hyun Joong, beat Song Joon..."
hyunited6686: [Photos] (2011.03.06) Concert Clothes on Auction?
hyunited6686: [Photos] (2011.03.06) Concert Clothes on Auction?: "Source: frg7000jp @yahoo japan auctionsJapanese~English Translation: miyo On 1st November 2009, at Hyundai..."
SS501 will comeback !!: Hyun Joong Seen @ Jaksal Today 03.05.11
SS501 will comeback !!: Hyun Joong Seen @ Jaksal Today 03.05.11: "Jung Min went on stage again at M Super Concert and Hyun Joong was watching him perform on TV while having probably dinner at J..."
SS501 will comeback !!: Korean Celebrities Twitter Ranking Chart
SS501 will comeback !!: Korean Celebrities Twitter Ranking Chart: "#Top 20 Rankings :No. – Name – Username – Followers1. Super Junior’s Lee Donghae @donghae861015 417,365 followers. 2. Super Junior..."
SS501 on TOP 5!^^
March 2011 Cafe Daum Ranking
Credit: 绿家得人 @ SS501 Baidu + rainaftershine
1. TVXQ – 751227 (
2. Big Bang – 346970 (
3. SNSD – 301253 (
4. SS501 – 240126 (
5. Super Junior – 225230 (
6. 2PM – 195874 (
7. Beast – 179534 (
8. Buzz – 136262 (
9. Shinhwa – 130090 (
10. SHINee – 125975 (
11. Wonder Girls – 100807 (
12. FT Island – 99826 (
13. 2NE1 – 97419 (
14. MBLAQ – 82336 (
15. H.O.T. – 72673 (
16. G.O.D. – 69578 (
17. f(x) – 63649 (
18. S.E.S – 59266 (
19. 2AM – 59108 (
20. Kara – 56097 (
Credit: 绿家得人 @ SS501 Baidu + rainaftershine
1. TVXQ – 751227 (
2. Big Bang – 346970 (
3. SNSD – 301253 (
4. SS501 – 240126 (
5. Super Junior – 225230 (
6. 2PM – 195874 (
7. Beast – 179534 (
8. Buzz – 136262 (
9. Shinhwa – 130090 (
10. SHINee – 125975 (
11. Wonder Girls – 100807 (
12. FT Island – 99826 (
13. 2NE1 – 97419 (
14. MBLAQ – 82336 (
15. H.O.T. – 72673 (
16. G.O.D. – 69578 (
17. f(x) – 63649 (
18. S.E.S – 59266 (
19. 2AM – 59108 (
20. Kara – 56097 (
Friday, March 4, 2011
Hyun Joong Message 28th feb 2011
Hyun Joong 28 Feb message - How is everyone??????
Tomorrow is 1/3, everyone can take their rest ^^ Guess everyone had all their fun today
I went for soccer followed by practice to day, my throat are burning, can even smell blood when I breath
So sleepy... Time to bath and sleep. Got to meet up with Kaanila's chairman tomorrow, saying that we should drink some beer together, I will not drink much, also won't be driving there, so don't worry
Have been feeling down recently, but I will cross this barrier one by one, will definitely show you guys the best stage in May
Look forward to it
It's been a long time since I left my last message, don't know how to write informally anymore, forgot how to already
Only 3 months left, I will practice hard, eat well and work hard
You guys have to eat well too, do your best in everything, luck will only goes to people who are willing to wait patiently
Enjoy your holiday well, on 14th March, I will upload photos of candies, specially enticing candies
Even when you are feeling down, you have to live your life positively, that way, happy days and happy feelings will come to you some day~~
I have always been fortunate because I believe in this, do you all know that? Earthlings????
I will always be watching!
Credits: + English translation by reena29shadow
Tomorrow is 1/3, everyone can take their rest ^^ Guess everyone had all their fun today
I went for soccer followed by practice to day, my throat are burning, can even smell blood when I breath
So sleepy... Time to bath and sleep. Got to meet up with Kaanila's chairman tomorrow, saying that we should drink some beer together, I will not drink much, also won't be driving there, so don't worry
Have been feeling down recently, but I will cross this barrier one by one, will definitely show you guys the best stage in May
Look forward to it
It's been a long time since I left my last message, don't know how to write informally anymore, forgot how to already
Only 3 months left, I will practice hard, eat well and work hard
You guys have to eat well too, do your best in everything, luck will only goes to people who are willing to wait patiently
Enjoy your holiday well, on 14th March, I will upload photos of candies, specially enticing candies
Even when you are feeling down, you have to live your life positively, that way, happy days and happy feelings will come to you some day~~
I have always been fortunate because I believe in this, do you all know that? Earthlings????
I will always be watching!
Credits: + English translation by reena29shadow
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